Monday, March 12, 2012

Mastering the Bath - Part 1

We have launched back into renovation after our break, and started with the upstairs master bath.  This is a bit on the small and cramped size and has some special challenges----it is predominantly located in the turret, so aside from the tub area is a round room.  It was decorated with faux plaster via the torn wallpaper method.  We ran into this at our last house, and it can be an absolute beast to remove. 

The shower is very small in this room, and adding to the cramped-ness, the room has a toilet and a bidet.  Two of the four bathrooms have Bidets...while I guess it is a nice feature, does anyone really use a Bidet in the US?   We are planning on just eliminating that piece and allowing the shower to expand into that space, but it will be determined by if the plumber says that will work or not.  The plumber comes Tuesday, so we will know sooner rather than later.

Here are the "before photos" showcasing the wallpaper:

Day 1 of the renovation project was completely done by Joel and myself, and was dedicated to removal of the wallpaper.  We made great progress, but didn't get done on Saturday, so will have to spend a little time each night after work on removing the rest to prep the room for paint.

Here is the progress when we had to call it a day:

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