Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Calling for Reinforcements

Tony the tile guy has been hard at work, and he brought in his friend "Skinny" (I have no idea what Skinny's birth certificate name is, but have a feeling it is not actually Skinny) as the plumber on the job.

The day's events included removing all of the custom fittings that we will be keeping---the fittings will be heading out to Goodlettsville today for powder coating and will come back Oil Rubbed Bronze.  Replacing subfloor, adding hardi-backer to the floor where the tile will go, rebuilding the under-box for the tub, as the other one did not offer enough support, and completely rebuilding the shower wall, so it is proper structurally, and won't fall down on us.

Joel had a fiasco with the tile---when he went to pick up our order they had messed it up entirely.  Certain pieces completely missing, other pieces we had too many of, but all in all about half of the order that was guaranteed for today was not there.  They had to send a kid to go pick up all of it from distributors, and apparently after Joel spent about 1.5 hours going through the order to get them to fix everything they had the kid bring the tile to our house; in three separate trips, but by 8pm last night we did have all of our bathroom tile.

A good portion of the tile ready for install:

The reinforced wooden undershell of the tub.  At least we know the tub won't collapse now.

Hardi-backer on the floor and the new shower curb wall:

The new shower valve is installed, and the new shower wall is framed up:

The new drain in the shower floor, and the curb wall for the shower floor:

Another shot of the new shower wall:

The tub with all the jet fittings removed--they will be powder coated so the tub will end up with oil rubbed bronze jets.

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