Monday, March 5, 2012

Dog, Interrupted

Shortly after we lost Charles (too soon after, really), we adopted Maximus.  He is a gorgeous Golden...light almost English Cream fur, a goofy smile, and humungous bear paws.  Max is an ultra-submissive dog.  As his foster dad said if there were 10 positions in a pack, he would be #15.  This wasn't a problem in the beginning of our adoption, but we generally let the dogs go for rides in the car just about everywhere we go 3 seasons of the year (Summer is too hot, so unless we are specifically taking the dogs for a ride they have to stay home, since even 5 minutes in the car without the AC on is dangerous). 

A few weeks ago, Max started having innapropriate fight or flight reactions in the car.  We would go through a drive through and he would go nuts...barking, jumping, growling; and he wasn't playing games.  If someone put their hand in the window he would bite it.  I thought we had it under control by giving him a firm "no", followed by praise when he settled, but the problem really hasn't gone away.  In fact, it escalated to the point that today he growled and snapped at Joel when Joel re-entered the car after being out running errands. 

We decided that Max needs therapeutic training that we don't know how to give.  Today, I sadly wrote to MTGRR to let them know that Max needed to be moved, and requested that the move happen by the weekend.  I also inquired about another adoptable Golden, Brandi. 

We've been watching Brandi online since she was posted, and had frequently said that if our house wasn't full we would adopt her in a heartbeat.  Joel and I believe she is Molly's puppy.....she couldn't have a stronger resemblance.  It is crazy close.  We are waiting on some info back from from MTGRR, but if she is good with other dogs and cats, and they approve we will hopefully adopt her right away. 

Letting Max go feels terrible, but it is assuaged by knowing that we can give a home to a more senior golden with special needs that we can meet.  Max will be better in the long run getting the constructive support and training that we are unable to give him, and hopefully his confidence will grow so he can be a well adjusted retriever.

It will be odd having three female retrievers and no big boy, but we absolutely adore Molly, and if Brandi is anything like our Ms. Magoo, then it will be the perfect choice.

This is Brandi:

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