Thursday, March 8, 2012

Rain Rain Go Away

It had finally dried out by the barn, and the pasture was getting nice and green for Spring---then late last night they decided to put rain the forecast.  That rain turned into almost 5 inches today (meteorologist, I don't like you).  After 1.5 hours of bumper to bumper traffic, I finally made it to work in the morning--just at the nick of time to get to a meeting.  It was cold, and drab all day long, but what I like least about the rain is the effect on the horses.

Claire was a nut case tonight!  She was bucking, kicking, and charging the other horses for absolutely no reason at all.  Poor Jordin was so nervous that after dinner he wouldn't come out of his stall on his own.  I didn't realize the extent of her rainy day crazies until we were on our way back to the house and she started to try to run down Joel.  Thankfully, she lost her courage for that before she did anything, but she is clearly very mad at having to be soaking wet all day, and trying to take it out on everyone around her.  In retrospect, I should have just left her in stall where she could nestle down in her wood chips, get dry, and sleep off her grumpies.  I can't blame her for not liking the torrential down pours, I wouldn't want to stand out in them all day either.  Hopefully everyone will be calmed down by tomorrow, and over this little spell.

Here's to tomorrow.  May we get to see the sunshine again, as it makes us all feel better.

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