Thursday, March 29, 2012

Thunder and Lightning and Rain, Oh My!

It's that time of year again, in Tennessee....the stormy season.  I like a good storm (as long as it doesn't cause damage).  Molly, however, does not.  About 2 hours before any storm she feels the pressure change.  She starts by getting hyper.  She will wiggle and waggle and jump up for attention.  Then the pacing and panting start.  The poor girl is just terrified of what might happen.  Ignoring her doesn't help.  Snuggling her doesn't help.  Putting her in an inside room with no windows doesn't help.  We just haven't figured out a way to make things better for her...that is...until.....we decided to try the Thundershirt.

The only realistic question here is, "What took you so long?".  I have been recommending these things to friends and adopters for over a year.  I guess I just wanted to believe I could help my dog more than a carefully crafted jersey knit t-shirt could.  However, I was wrong.  The T-shirt is an absolute miracle.

So what exactly is it?  It is basically a breathable, tight knit soft shirt for your dog that snugs them up and uses pressure point technology to help them feel calm.  The best thing is, they are inexpensive, and THEY WORK.  Here's a promo image from Thundershirt:

The first storm we had with Molly with the shirt, instead of all of her usual antics she slept----she laid down at our feet and slept soundly, sometimes snoring for about 4 hours straight.  We had to wake her up after the bad weather to get her out to go potty before bed.  She is so cute in her shirt, too:

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