Friday, April 20, 2012

Reflecting On Learning Of Christ

Some of my hardest earliest learning experiences were of what it means to be reverent.  As a child, it was so hard to sit still in church, and to not wiggle constantly.  When very young my mom offered distractions during our church service to make it easier---a bag of cheerios, a coloring book picture of Jesus.  Something to help me learn to sit quietly for the little over an hour each Sunday.  As I got older it went without saying that I would sit up and pay attention to the message given each Sunday.  In all honesty, I had a strong academic knowledge of the gospel during my teen years, but not a lot of testimony.  I was going through the motions, without a lot of effort or faith.  My sister was the opposite---her testimony of our savior's love was always strong, and she did and does believe that our Heavenly Father is always watching over her, leading her, and guiding her.  I wish I had been gifted with her seemingly effortless faith.  I know I would have made many different life decisions.   However, the choices I did make led me to my husband who I love with all my heart and soul.  15 years later, I still know we were meant for each other.

I can't say what the catalyst was...there was no groundbreaking changing moment in my life, but as I have grown as an adult, the testimony has slowly come.  Now, we are on the precipice of having a child come live with us, and we want to raise her to be a righteous daughter of God.  Unlike my childhood, raised in the church; our child's background will be very different.  We are looking at children up to 9 years old, and they may or may not have even had any biblical teaching. 

Obviously a lot will change when we adopt.  I only hope he or she can enjoy the changes, and that they will understand that in the quiet and reflection they will have at church that they can hopefully start to truly feel and understand God's love for her.  Even if we only spend 10 minutes a day on it, we will start with daily scripture study at home--starting with the New Testament because it will be the easiest starting place for her (especially since we use the King James version of the Bible).  Please pray for us.  This, among other things, will not be an easy transition for us when we adopt.

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